Our accessories provide a virtual experience that feels real!

An incredibly realistic experience.

If virtual reality indeed provides an incredibly realistic experience, it is also true that we are all accustomed to perceiving the world through our senses.

This type of perception allows us to intercept sensations and emotions that belong to the real world and are typically different from the gaming dimension itself.

That’s why VR requires accessory supports to fully reproduce this kind of stimuli.

Here's what you'll find in this article

Multiple technologies for an extraordinary result.

The accessories included with Mini S are designed to provide maximum mobility on the platform, an ultra-realistic sense of movement, and, of course, an extremely believable perception of external events.

That’s because Mini S aims to serve the industrial sector and “train” operators for stressful, dangerous, and anxiety-inducing situations in general.

We have already come to understand how VR technology is capable of supporting, for example, the training activities of military forces as well as firefighters.

In those cases, as we have seen, this incredible technology allows testing the person’s reactive factors: how they behave in a situation of high discomfort, how composed they are in the face of danger, and how quickly and actively they respond.

On the other hand, Kat VR Mini is specifically designed for industrial business and is excellently suited for sectors such as engineering, construction, workplace safety, and general prototyping.

With Virtual Play, all of this is possible: here are our solutions for a 360-degree sensory experience!

The bodysuit.

This futuristic-designed (and let’s admit it, a bit heroic!) bodysuit provides a wide range of sensations on the chest and along the back.

It features approximately 40 vibration points and is extremely easy to wear and remove. Thanks to its elastic material, it fits perfectly for people of all ages and sizes.

VR Headset Cushion

This practical cushion is adaptable to many types of headsets (Vive, Oculus, MS MR, etc.) and has 6 effective vibration points on the forehead.

These elements allow it to reproduce extraordinary sensations, such as a hit or a gentle breeze.

Arm sleeves

This special accessory has 6 sensors for each arm.

Wearing the arm sleeves allows you to effectively perceive sensations such as the recoil of a weapon or the impact with an object.

Hand accessories

This hand-applicable instrumentation has 3 vibration points on each element.

It proves particularly useful for certain gaming activities, such as martial arts or sports like boxing.

Foot accessories.

Even the foot devices have 3 vibration points each.

They are particularly suitable for sport-related gaming activities such as martial arts, training, or soccer.


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