From October, to use an Oculus visor you will need to have a Facebook account


Latest news fresh from the Oculus blog.

There are important updates regarding access to Oculus devices starting in October 2020.

Here’s what we found out:

  • Anyone using an Oculus device for the first time will need to log in with a Facebook account.
  • If they are an existing user with an Oculus account, they can log in with Facebook and merge the Oculus and Facebook accounts.
  • Anyone who chooses not to merge the two accounts can continue to use the Oculus account for two more years.

Here's what you'll find in this article

As of Jan. 1, 2023, support for Oculus accounts will no longer exist

If you choose not to merge the two Oculus and Facebook accounts, you will be able to continue to use the device, but not with the full functionality that will require a Facebook account instead.

But watch out, good news for those who don’t want to be found by Oculus friends with the name Facebook, it can still be done: just change the option for visibility in the Oculus settings.

Not only that, you will also be able to choose which information about your VR activity to post on your Facebook profile or history.

What if multiple people use the same viewer?

On the issue it is work in progress. It appears to date to be in the works for multiple users to be able to access the same device each using their own Facebook account, so that the information of those using the same viewer is separate.

So to recap, Facebook’s community standards and an additional new policy focused on virtual reality will soon be adopted. But why all this?

Easy. The intent is to offer users an easy tool for reporting misbehavior, raising awareness of responsibility.

A Mutual Advantage
As we know Facebook is constantly adding new privacy and security tools. With this operation then Oculus can make them its own and thus take advantage of them.

On the other hand, it also suits the behemoth Facebook, which will use information about virtual reality usage not only to improve the experience, but also to show personalized content, including ads.


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