Look up and be enveloped in a beautiful world of lights, music, sounds, and colors: you are inside the Interactive Room, a room designed specifically to give you wonderful and incredibly immersive multisensory experiences!
Natural landscapes, seabed, surreal scenery: in this room everything is possible and most importantly… it looks real!
A system of projectors masterfully placed in a white room
Powerful software that can combine all projector information unifying the effect and giving images continuity and consistency while moving from one wall to another.
Finally, the ability to interact with these moving images
It is the interactive Room, a virtual world that unfolds and moves all around the person, leaving them literally breathless.
Included games
Un consulente ti aspetta!
Oltre al nostro prezioso Business Plan avrai come BONUS i “5 video di approfondimento” i quali ti faranno fare un viaggio, step by step, dall’idea all’apertura di un centro d’intrattenimento in Realtà Virtuale!