A room of 300 sq. m. or more offers many opportunities for set-up. Of course, the final layout depends largely on the distribution of space, the regularity of the perimeter, and the specific characteristics of the entire area. That’s why on square footage like this we design every element “custom-made”. This time, however, we had fun imagining an Arena with linear contours with these dimensions, to best represent our concept of a VR room
Do you have a room of this size and would like to receive an opinion, quote or advice on the profit you could make and\or the investment needed?
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Un consulente ti aspetta!
Oltre al nostro prezioso Business Plan avrai come BONUS i “5 video di approfondimento” i quali ti faranno fare un viaggio, step by step, dall’idea all’apertura di un centro d’intrattenimento in Realtà Virtuale!